Playing The Hookup Game — Have Outside Sex On The First Date

Playing the hookup game right

When it comes to local singles making connections, it's all about playing the hookup game right. If you're looking to have sex outside on the first date, you really need to bring your A-game to the table, because that is a tough, very specific task to accomplish. By playing the hookup game right, we mean that you have to make sure that she is thoroughly impressed by you every step of the way. You have to send the right dating messages through your online chat experience in order to actually get her to want to come on a first date with you. At that point, you still have a lot of work ahead, so listen up!

Respect the first date rules

There are first date rules that need to be respected if you're looking to really sweep her off her feet, and this is especially true if your specific aim is to have outside se with her. First off, make sure you make your preparations before the date actually occurs. By this, we mean that you must be dressed to impress. Don't wear a tuxedo, because that will just freak her out. Equally, it's important not to show up in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, because she'll probably walk away as soon as she sees you if that's the choice you made. Instead, dress in impressive casual wear, with a nice shirt and a cool pair of jeans, maybe even a blazer. Aside from that, make a reservation at a good restaurant, one where the food is satisfying and the ambiance allows for open communication so that you two can really know each other. Then, it's up to you to act in ways that really make her interested in who you are as a person. We're confident that you are a unique, interesting person in your own right, so we don't think this part will be very difficult for you.

Really make an effort to impress her

You need to impress her if you're looking to have sex on the first date, and you need to make sure that she is especially impressed if you want to convince her to have sex outside. Not just any woman has sex outside, after all, especially not after meeting someone for the first time. However, it's totally possible, and you can definitely pull it off if you play your cards right. Be a gentleman and hold the door open for her. Be a comedian by telling funny jokes when they are relevant to the conversation. Be a bad boy by throwing her slight, playful, funny insults that will get her gears turning. Finally, be confident when making your final move at the end of the night, and if you've done everything right up to this point, you'll find that she won't be able to resist your big advance.

Outside sex is always possible

Outside sex is not something that occurs very often, but it is always possible. After all, having sex outside on the first date provides many more possible settings than just your bedroom. You have to take a cab to your apartment anyway, whereas it's consistently possible to have sex in any exterior setting you lay eyes on near the restaurant. At one point in the night, after things have been going well, take her by surprise by grabbing her and going into a fierce make out session. Really get her heart pumping here. Then, tell her that you two should find a place nearby to have some sex. Look for a private park, or maybe a little section of forest away from public eyes. Outside sex is always possible, it just requires that you bring your A-game in order to make it happen.

Having sex in public can really excite her

If you convince her to have sex in public with you, you might find that she is really excited by the idea, and it will inspire her to become a truly wild sex partner with you. Even if she never considered the notion of public sex before, she might really like the idea of trying it out for the first time. Once she is in the act, she might get really excited by the risk of other people catching you do it. It might turn her on so much that it activates a whole new sexual side of her that even she wasn't aware of before! Although outside sex can be an intimidating thing to try and initiate, you might find that it really benefits both you and your partner's lives once you actually give it a shot. Of course, she might find the idea ridiculous, and suggesting it might just ruin your chances of having sex on the first date at all. However, you have plenty of other first dates lined up anyway, and you really want to give yourself a chance of having sex on the first date. Engage in a little trial and error here. Give it a shot with this girl, and she might just say yes.