Getting Kinky: Tips That Help You Bring Out The Wild Side In Every Woman

One of the best ways to cope with breakups is by finding a new casual sex partner who can help you explore kinky sex or find a better sex life. It can be devastating to break up with someone, but once you have, it is time to move on and try to start a new and better sex life. This should be considered a great opportunity for you to start exploring kinky sex or just to enjoy some casual sex with a new person. However, starting a casual sex relationship with someone new can be tough, especially since they don't necessarily know what you like. Despite some of the challenges that this might present, it is almost better that you are starting something new as it gives you the chance to introduce new things into the bedroom, and attempt to bring out the wild side in your new sexual partner. Bringing up kinky sex requests can be awkward and embarrassing, but when you are with a new person, it is usually a lot less awkward of a conversation as you are far less invested in the relationship. That being said, there are still some important tips that you should keep in mind when trying to bring out the wild side in your new casual sex partner. This guide was written to help you find the best ways to cope with breakups by providing some sex tips to unlock the kinky sex that you have always desired.

Be Honest With Your Casual Sex Partner

One of the best sex tips for anyone trying to unlock kinky sex with their casual sex partner is to be totally honest with what you want and how you feel. Of course it can be painfully awkward to do so, but honesty is the best policy. If you lay everything out on the table, then you won't be stressed about trying to get your kinky sex secrets out. Your casual sex partner will also be appreciative of the fact that you were honest with how you feel, and most people are understanding when you present them with the truth. The worst case scenario is that they don't want to do whatever the sexual fantasy is that you propose, and hopefully they will still be interested in some of the other sex that you have already enjoyed. The best case scenario is that they say yes, and you find yourself living out a fantasy that you never thought you would have achieved. In almost all scenarios, you will usually be surprised by what their answer is, and may even be shocked by what they propose as one of their fantasies.

Learn How to Escalate the Situation for a Better Sex Life

In most cases, if you want to take your sex life to the next level, it is better to take things slowly. For example, if you want to try out some BDSM kinky sex, but neither of you have ever done it, then you probably want to skip the chains and duct tape, and start with something a little lighter such as a silk cloth or furry handcuffs. If you are both enjoying the sex, then the next time you can propose to escalate things. Going from 0 to 10 is likely to startle someone, so if you can learn how to escalate with grace and sensitivity, it is much more likely that you will be able to get to the level of kinky sex that you desire. Although you might be eager to get right down to the dirtiest and kinkiest sex you can imagine, spending the time to go through some development is the true path to a better sex life with your casual sex partner.

Respect Her Boundaries About Kinky Sex

Elevating things to kinky sex takes time and respect. It is important to maintain some sensitivity for your casual sex partner's desires, as well as for your own. You should always respect the boundaries that someone establishes as a no or a go. When a woman says no, you may feel like it is the end of the line for your kinky desire, however it is just the beginning. If you learn to respect her boundaries, then she will feel safe and secure with you, and those boundaries will begin to become more flexible. If you can learn not to push on them too hard, you will find that the space for your sexual activity will become larger through a natural process that doesn't leave anyone hurt.